Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N – UMR 9001)
Thermal spin wave noise as a probe for the Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction A. Finco, P. Kumar, V. T. Pham, J. Urrestarazu-Larrañaga, R. Guedas Garcia, M. Rollo, O. Boulle, J.-V. Kim, and V. Jacques arXiv:2502.03166v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
Benchmarking a magnon-scattering reservoir with modal and temporal multiplexing C. Heins, J.-V. Kim, L. Körber, J. Fassbender, H. Schultheiss, and K. Schultheiss arXiv:2502.02271v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
Large frequency nonreciprocity of azimuthal spin wave modes in submicron vortex state disks S. Salama, J.-V. Kim, A. Anane, and J.-P. Adam arXiv:2501.18255v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
Control of magnon frequency combs in magnetic rings C. Heins, A. Kákay, J.-V. Kim, G. Hlawacek, J. Fassbender, K. Schultheiss, and H. Schultheiss arXiv:2501.05080v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
Symmetry of the dissipation of surface acoustic waves by ferromagnetic resonance F. Millo, R. Lopes Seeger, C. Chappert, A. Solignac, and T. Devolder arXiv:2412.10847 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
Spectroscopy of the spin waves of a synthetic antiferromagnet grown on a piezoelectric substrate G. Y. Thiancourt, S. M. Ngom, N. Bardou, and T. Devolder arXiv:2411.18202 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
Experimental observation of vortex gyrotropic mode excited by surface acoustic waves R. Lopes Seeger, F. Millo, G. Soares, J.-V. Kim, A. Solignac, G. de Loubens, and T. Devolder arXiv:2409.05998 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]
Self-induced Floquet magnons in magnetic vortices C. Heins, L. Körber, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, J. H. Mentink, A. Kákay, J. Fassbender, K. Schultheiss, and H. Schultheiss arXiv:2409.02583 [cond-mat.mes-hall]
Unidirectional spin waves measured using propagating-spin-wave spectroscopy G. Y. Thiancourt, S. M. Ngom, N. Bardou, and T. Devolder Physical Review Applied 22, 034040 (2024)
Mode-resolved micromagnetics study of parametric spin wave excitation in thin-film disks M. Massouras, S. Perna, M. d’Aquino, C. Serpico, and J.-V. Kim Physical Review B 110, 064435 (2024)
Symmetry of the coupling between surface acoustic waves and spin waves in synthetic antiferromagnets R. Lopes Seeger, L. La Spina, V. Laude, F. Millo, A. Bartasyte, S. Margueron, A. Solignac, G. de Loubens, L. Thevenard, C. Gourdon, C. Chappert, and T. Devolder Physical Review B 109, 104416 (2024)
Unidirectionality of spin waves in synthetic antiferromagnets F. Millo, J.-P. Adam, C. Chappert, J.-V. Kim, A. Mouhoub, A. Solignac, and T. Devolder Physical Review Applied 20, 054051 (2023)
Pattern recognition in reciprocal space with a magnon-scattering reservoir L. Körber, C. Heins, T. Hula, J.-V. Kim, S. Thlang, H. Schultheiss, J. Fassbender, and K. Schultheiss Nature Communications 14, 3954 (2023)
Resonant dynamics of three-dimensional skyrmionic textures in thin film multilayers T. Srivastava, Y. Sassi, F. Ajejas, A. Vecchiola, I. Ngouagnia, H. Hurdequint, K. Bouzehouane, N. Reyren, V. Cros, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, and G. de Loubens APL Materials 11, 061110 (2023)
Inducing or suppressing the anisotropy in multilayers based on CoFeB R. L. Seeger, F. Millo, A. Mouhoub, G. de Loubens, A. Solignac, and T. Devolder Physical Review Materials 7, 054409 (2023)
Exchange energies in CoFeB/Ru/CoFeB synthetic antiferromagnets A. Mouhoub, F. Millo, C. Chappert, J.-V. Kim, J. Létang, A. Solignac, and T. Devolder Physical Review Materials 7, 044404 (2023)
Measuring a population of spin waves from the electrical noise of an inductively coupled antenna T. Devolder, S.-M. Ngom, A. Mouhoub, J. Létang, J.-V. Kim, P. Crozat, J.-P. Adam, A. Solignac, and C. Chappert Physical Review B 105, 214404 (2022)
Oxide spin-orbitronics: Spin-charge interconversion and topological spin textures F. Trier, P. Noël, J.-V. Kim, J.-P. Attané, L. Vila, and M. Bibes Nature Reviews Materials 7, 258 (2022)
The 2021 Magnonics Roadmap A. Barman, G. Gubbiotti, S. Ladak, A. O. Adeyeye, M. Krawczyk, J. Gräfe, A. V. Chumak, A. Khitun, D. Nikonov, I. A. Young, V. I. Vasyuchka, B. Hillebrands, S. A. Nikitov, H. Yu, D. Grundler, A. V. Sadovnikov, A. A. Grachev, S. E. Sheshukova, J.-Y. Duquesne, M. Marangolo, G. Csaba, W. Porod, V. E. Demidov, S. Urazhdin, S. O. Demokritov, E. Albisetti, D. Petti, R. Bertacco, H. Schultheiss, V. V. Kruglyak, V. D. Poimanov, S. Sahoo, J. Sinha, T. Moriyama, S. Mizukami, H. Yang, M. Münzenburg, P. Landeros, R. A. Gallardo, G. Carlotti, J.-V. Kim, R. L. Stamps, R. E. Camley, B. Rana, Y. Otani, W. Yu, T. Yu, G. E. W. Bauer, C. Back, G. S. Uhrig, O. V. Dobrovolskiy, S. van Dijken, B. Budinska, H. Qin, C. Adelmann, S. Cotofana, A. Naeemi, B. W. Zingsem, and M. Winklhofer Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33, 413001 (2021)
Nanoscale domain wall devices with magnetic tunnel junction read and write E. Raymenants, O. Bultynck, D. Wan, T. Devolder, K. Garello, L. Souriau, A. Thiam, D. Tsvetanova, Y. Canvel, D. E. Nikonov, I. A. Young, M. Heyns, B. Soree, I. Asselberghs, I. Radu, S. Couet, and V. D. Nguyen Nature Electronics 4, 392 (2021)
Spin-torque induced wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized discs: Ballistic versus oscillatory behavior P. Bouquin, J.-V. Kim, O. Bultynck, S. Rao, S. Couet, G. S. Kar, and T. Devolder Physical Review B 103, 224431 (2021)
Measuring the band structure of spin waves using time-of-flight spectroscopy T. Devolder, G. Talmelli, S. M. Ngom, F. Ciubotaru, C. Adelmann, and C. Chappert Physical Review B 103, 214431 (2021)
Nanocontact vortex oscillators based on Co2MnGe pseudo-spin valves J. Létang, C. de Melo, C. Guillemard, A. Vecchiola, S. Petit-Watelot, M.-W. Yoo, T. Devolder, K. Bouzehouane, V. Cros, S. Andrieu, and J.-V. Kim Physical Review B 103, 224424 (2021)
Quantitative study of the response of a single NV defect in diamond to magnetic noise M. Rollo, A. Finco, R. Tanos, F. Fabre, T. Devolder, I. Robert-Philip, and V. Jacques Physical Review B 103, 235418 (2021)
Stochastic processes in magnetization reversal involving domain wall motion in magnetic memory elements P. Bouquin, J.-V. Kim, O. Bultynck, S. Rao, S. Couet, G. S. Kar, and T. Devolder Physical Review Applied 15, 024037 (2021)
Imaging non-collinear antiferromagnetic textures via single spin relaxometry A. Finco, A. Haykal, R. Tanos, F. Fabre, S. Chouaieb, W. Akhtar, I. Robert-Philip, W. Legrand, F. Ajejas, K. Bouzehouane, N. Reyren, T. Devolder, J.-P. Adam, J.-V. Kim, V. Cros, and V. Jacques Nature Communications 12, 767 (2021)
Real-time Hall-effect detection of current-induced magnetization dynamics in ferrimagnets G. Sala, V. Krizakova, E. Grimaldi, C.-H. Lambert, T. Devolder, and P. Gambardella Nature Communications 12, 656 (2021)
Issues in growing Heusler compounds in thin films for spintronic applications C. Guillemard, S. Petit-Watelot, T. Devolder, L. Pasquier, P. Boulet, S. Migot, J. Ghanbaja, F. Bertran, and S. Andrieu Journal of Applied Physics 128, 241102 (2020)
Quantifying the Thermal Stability in Perpendicularly Magnetized Ferromagnetic Nanodisks with Forward Flux Sampling L. Desplat and J.-V. Kim Physical Review Applied 14, 064064 (2020)
Reconfigurable nanoscale spin wave majority gate with frequency-division multiplexing G. Talmelli, T. Devolder, N. Träger, J. Förster, S. Wintz, M. Weigand, H. Stoll, M. Heyns, G. Schütz, I. Radu, J. Gräfe, F. Ciubotaru, and C. Adelmann Science Advances 6, eabb4042 (2020)
Back-hopping in Spin-Transfer-Torque switching of perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions T. Devolder, O. Bultynck, P. Bouquin, V. D. Nguyen, S. Rao, D. Wan, B. Sorée, I. P. Radu, G. S. Kar, and S. Couet Physical Review B 102, 184406 (2020)
Electrical spectroscopy of forward volume spin waves in perpendicularly magnetized materials M. Sushruth, M. Grassi, K. Ait-Oukaci, D. Stoeffler, Y. Henry, D. Lacour, M. Hehn, U Bhaskar, M. Bailleul, T. Devolder, and J.-P. Adam Physical Review Research 2, 043203 (2020)
Asymmetric skyrmion-antiskyrmion production in ultrathin ferromagnetic films U. Ritzmann, L. Desplat, B. Dupé, R. E. Camley, and J.-V. Kim Physical Review B 102, 174409 (2020)
Entropy-reduced retention times in magnetic memory elements: A case of the Meyer-Neldel Compensation Rule L. Desplat and J.-V. Kim Physical Review Letters 125, 107201 (2020)
On quantifying the topological charge in micromagnetics using a lattice-based approach J.-V. Kim and J. Mulkers IOP SciNotes 1, 025211 (2020)
Path sampling for lifetimes of metastable magnetic skyrmions and direct comparison with Kramers’ method L. Desplat, C. Vogler, J.-V. Kim, R.L. Stamps, and D. Suess Physical Review B 101, 060403(R) (2020)
Pattern generation and symbolic dynamics in a nanocontact vortex oscillator M.-W. Yoo, D. Rontani, J. Létang, S. Petit-Watelot, T. Devolder, M. Sciamanna, K. Bouzehouane, V. Cros, and J.-V. Kim Nature Communications 11, 601 (2020)
Backward volume vs Damon–Eshbach: A traveling spin wave spectroscopy comparison U. K. Bhaskar, G. Talmelli, F. Ciubotaru, C. Adelmann, and T. Devolder Journal of Applied Physics 127, 033902 (2020)
Static and dynamic magnetic properties of CoPt/NiFe bilayers: experiment and modelling H. Bouloussa, Y. Roussigné, M. Belmeguenai, A. Stashkevitch, J. H. Hsu, T. Devolder, and S. M. Chérif Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53, 075001 (2020)
Determining key spin-orbitronic parameters by means of propagating spin waves O. Gladii, M. Collet, Y. Henry, J.-V. Kim, A. Anane, and M. Bailleul Physical Review Applied 13, 014016 (2020)
Modulation and phase-locking in nanocontact vortex oscillators J. Létang, S. Petit-Watelot, M.-W. Yoo, T. Devolder, K. Bouzehouane, V. Cros, and J.-V. Kim Physical Review B 100, 144414 (2019)
Chaos in Magnetic Nanocontact Vortex Oscillators T. Devolder, D. Rontani, S. Petit-Watelot, K. Bouzehouane, S. Andrieu, J. Létang, M.-W. Yoo, J.-P. Adam, C. Chappert, S. Girod, V. Cros, M. Sciamanna, and J.-V. Kim Physical Review Letters 123, 147701 (2019)
Effect of Tantalum Spacer Thickness and Deposition Conditions on the Properties of MgO/CoFeB/Ta/CoFeB/MgO Free Layers T. Devolder, S. Couet, J. Swerts, S. Mertens, S. Rao, and G. S. Kar IEEE Magnetics Letters 10, 5505804 (2019)
In situ monitoring of electric field effect on domain wall motion in Co ultrathin films in direct contact with an electrolyte A. D. Lamirand, J.-P. Adam, D. Ravelosona, P. Allongue, and F. Maroun Applied Physics Letters 115, 032402 (2019)
Unidirectional spin-wave channeling along magnetic domain walls of Bloch type Y. Henry, D. Stoeffler, J.-V. Kim, and M. Bailleul Physical Review B 100, 024416 (2019)
Chaotic dynamics in a macrospin spin-torque nano-oscillator with time-delayed feedback J. Williame, A. Difini Accioly, D. Rontani, M. Sciamanna, and J.-V Kim Applied Physics Letters 114, 232405 (2019)
Paths to annihilation of first- and second-order (anti)skyrmions via (anti)meron nucleation on the frustrated square lattice L. Desplat, J.-V. Kim, and R. L. Stamps Physical Review B 99, 174409 (2019)
Domain-wall motion and interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions in Pt/Co/Ir(t [sub Ir])/Ta multilayers K. Shahbazi, J.-V. Kim, H. T. Nembach, J. M. Shaw, A. Bischof, M. D. Rossell, V. Jeudy, T. A. Moore, and C. H. Marrows Physical Review B 99, 094409 (2019)
Size dependence of spin-torque switching in perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions P. Bouquin, S. Rao, G. S. Kar, and T. Devolder Applied Physics Letters 113, 222408 (2018)
Engineering Domain-Wall Motion in CoFeB/MgO Ultrathin Films with Perpendicular Anisotropy Using Patterned Substrates with Subnanometer Step Modulation A. Digiacomo, R. Mantovan, N. Vernier, T. Devolder, K. Garcia, G. Tallarida, M. Fanciulli, A. Lamperti, B. Ocker, L. Baldi, M. Mariani, and D. Ravelosona Physical Review Applied 10, 064053 (2018)
Instant-on spin-torque in non-collinear magnetic tunnel junctions O. Bultynck, M. Manfrini, A. Vaysset, J. Swerts, C. J. Wilson, B. Sorée, M. Heyns, D. Mocuta, I. P. Radu, and T. Devolder Physical Review Applied, 10, 054028 (2018)
Spin-Wave Emission by Spin-Orbit-Torque Antennas G. Talmelli, F. Ciubotaru, K. Garello, X. Sun, M. Heyns, I. P. Radu, C. Adelmann, and T. Devolder Physical Review Applied 10, 044060 (2018)
Thermal stability of metastable magnetic skyrmions: Entropic narrowing and significance of internal eigenmodes L. Desplat, D. Suess, J.-V. Kim, and R. L. Stamps Physical Review B 98, 134407 (2018)
Chain of magnetic tunnel junctions as a spintronic memristor E. Raymenants, A. Vaysset, D. Wan, M. Manfrini, O. Zografos, O. Bultynck, J. Doevenspeck, M. Heyns, I. P. Radu, and T. Devolder Journal of Applied Physics 124, 152116 (2018)
Nonreciprocal flexural dynamics of Dzyaloshinskii domain walls R. Soucaille, F. Garcia-Sanchez, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, and J.-P. Adam Physical Review B 98, 054426 (2018)
Trochoidal motion and pair generation in skyrmion and antiskyrmion dynamics under spin-orbit torques U. Ritzmann, S. von Malottki, J.-V. Kim, S. Heinze, J. Sinova, and B. Dupé Nature Electronics 1, 451 (2018)
Skyrmion Gas Manipulation for Probabilistic Computing D. Pinna, F. Abreu Araujo, J.-V. Kim, V. Cros, D. Querlioz, P. Bessière, J. Droulez, and J. Grollier Physical Review Applied 9, 064018 (2018)
Heterogeneous Memristive Devices Enabled by Magnetic Tunnel Junction Nanopillars Surrounded by Resistive Silicon Switches Y. Zhang, X. Lin, J.‐P. Adam, G. Agnus, W. Kang, W. Cai, J.‐R. Coudevylle, N. Isac, J. Yang, H. Yang, K. Cao, H. Cui, D. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Zhao, W. Zhao, and D. Ravelosona Advanced Electronic Materials 4, 1700461 (2018)
Material Developments and Domain Wall-Based Nanosecond-Scale Switching Process in Perpendicularly Magnetized STT-MRAM Cells T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, J. Swerts, W. Kim, S. Couet, G. Kar, A. Furnemont, and V. Nikitin IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 54, 3400109 (2018)
Impact of Ta and W-based spacers in double MgO STTMRAM free layers on perpendicular anisotropy and damping S. Couet, T. Devolder, J. Swerts, S. Mertens, T. Lin, E. Liu, S. Van Elshocht & G. Sankar Kar Applied Physics Letters 111, 152406 (2017)
Electric field controlled domain wall dynamics and magnetic easy axis switching in liquid gated CoFeB/MgO films Y. T. Liu, S. Ono, G. Agnus, J.-P. Adam, S. Jaiswal, J. Langer, B. Ocker, D. Ravelosona & L. Herrera Diez Journal of Applied Physics 122, 133907 (2017)
Real-space imaging of non-collinear antiferromagnetic order with a single-spin magnetometer I. Gross, W. Akhtar, V. Garcia, L. J. Martínez, S. Chouaieb, K. Garcia, C. Carrétéro, A. Barthélémy, P. Appel, P. Maletinsky, J.-V. Kim, J. Y. Chauleau, N. Jaouen, M. Viret, M. Bibes, S. Fusil & V. Jacques Nature 549, 252-256 (2017)
Spin Waves on Spin Structures: Topology, Localization, and Nonreciprocity R. L. Stamps, J.-V. Kim, F. Garcia-Sanchez, P. Borys, G. Gubbiotti, Y. Li & R. E. Camley, in Spin Wave Confinement II: Propagating Waves, S. O. Demokritov, ed. (Pan Stanford Publishing, 2017), pp. 219-260.
Inversion of the domain wall propagation in synthetic ferrimagnets A. Hamadeh, P. Pirro, J.-P. Adam, Y. Lu, M. Hehn, S. Petit-Watelot & S. Mangin Applied Physics Letters 111, 022407 (2017)
Using rf voltage induced ferromagnetic resonance to study the spin-wave density of states and the Gilbert damping in perpendicularly magnetized disks T. Devolder Physical Review B 96, 104413 (2017)
Annealing stability of magnetic tunnel junctions based on dual MgO free layers and [Co/Ni] based thin synthetic antiferromagnet reference system T. Devolder, S. Couet, J. Swerts, E . Liu, T. Lin, S. Mertens, G. Kar, and A. Furnemont Journal of Applied Physics 121, 113904 (2017)
Spin transfer and spin-orbit torques in in-plane magnetized (Ga,Mn)As tracks L. Thevenard, B. Boutigny, N. Güsken, C. Ulysse, L. Becerra, S. Shihab, A. Lemaître, J.-V. Kim, V. Jeudy & C. Gourdon Physical Review B 95, 054422 (2017)
Seed layer impact on structural and magnetic properties of [Co/Ni] multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy E. Liu, J. Swerts, T. Devolder, S. Couet, S. Mertens, T. Lin, V. Spampinato, A. Franquet, T. Conard, S. Van Elshocht, A. Furnemont, J. De Boeck & G. Kar Journal of Applied Physics 121, 043905 (2017)
Exchange stiffness in ultrathin perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB layers determined using the spectroscopy of electrically excited spin waves T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, L. Nistor, R. Sousa, B. Rodmacq, and B. Diény Journal of Applied Physics 120, 183902 (2016)
Spin Wave Power Flow and Caustics in Ultrathin Ferromagnets with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction J.-V. Kim, R. L. Stamps, and R. E. Camley Physical Review Letters 117, 197204 (2016)
Ferromagnetic resonance study of composite Co/Ni-FeCoB free layers with perpendicular anisotropy T. Devolder, E. Liu, J. Swerts, S. Couet, T. Lin, S. Mertens, A. Furnemont, G. Kar, and J. De Boeck Applied Physics Letters 109, 142408 (2016)
Probing the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in CoFeB ultrathin films using domain wall creep and Brillouin light spectroscopy R. Soucaille, M. Belmeguenai, J. Torrejon, J.-V. Kim, T. Devolder, Y. Roussigné, S.-M. Chérif, A. A. Stashkevich, M. Hayashi, and J.-P. Adam Physical Review B 94, 104431 (2016)
Role of spin-transfer torques on synchronization and resonance phenomena in stochastic magnetic oscillators A. Accioly, N. Locatelli , A. Mizrahi , D. Querlioz , L. G. Pereira , J. Grollier, and J.-V. Kim Journal of Applied Physics 120, 093902 (2016)
Direct measurement of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in X|CoFeB|MgO heterostructures with a scanning-NV magnetometer I. Gross, L. J. Martinez, J.-P. Tetienne, T. Hingant, J.-F. Roch, K. Garcia, R. Soucaille, J.-P. Adam, J.-V. Kim, S. Rohart, A. Thiaville, J. Torrejon, M. Hayashi, and V. Jacques Physical Review B 94, 064413 (2016)
Ionic-liquid gating of perpendicularly magnetised CoFeB/MgO thin films Y. T. Liu, G. Agnus, S. Ono, L. Ranno, A. Bernand-Mantel, R. Soucaille, J.-P. Adam, J. Langer, B. Ocker, D. Ravelosona, and L. Herrera Diez Journal of Applied Physics 120, 023901 (2016)
Evolution of perpendicular magnetized tunnel junctions upon annealing T. Devolder, S. Couet, J. Swerts & A. Furnemont, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 172409 (2016).
All electrical propagating spin wave spectroscopy with broadband wavevector capability F. Ciubotaru, T. Devolder, M. Manfrini, C. Adelmann, and I. Radu Applied Physics Letters 109, 012403 (2016)
Size dependence of nanosecond-scale spin-torque switching in perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions T. Devolder, A. Le Goff, and V. Nikitin Physical Review B 93 , 224432 (2016)
Spin wave amplification using the spin Hall effect in permalloy/platinum bilayers O. Gladii, M. Collet, K. Garcia-Hernandez, C. Cheng, S. Xavier, P. Bortolotti, V. Cros, Y. Henry, J.-V. Kim, A. Anane, and M. Bailleul Applied Physics Letters 108 , 202407 (2016)
Direct evidence for minority spin gap in the Co2MnSi Heusler compound S. Andrieu, A. Neggache, T. Hauet, T. Devolder, A. Hallal, M. Chshiev, A. M. Bataille, P. Le Fèvre, and F. Bertran Physical Review B 93, 094417 (2016)
Time-resolved spin-torque switching in MgO-based perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, F. Garcia-Sanchez, J. Swerts, W. Kim, S. Couet, G. Kar, and A. Furnemont Physical Review B 93, 024420 (2016)
Controlling magnetic domain wall motion in the creep regime in He+-irradiated CoFeB/MgO films with perpendicular anisotropy L. Herrera Diez, F. García-Sánchez, J.-P. Adam, T. Devolder, S. Eimer, M. S. El Hadri, A. Lamperti, R. Mantovan, B. Ocker, and D. Ravelosona Applied Physics Letters 107, 032401 (2015)
Current-driven asymmetric magnetization switching in perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/MgO heterostructures J. Torrejon, F. Garcia-Sanchez, T. Taniguchi, J. Sinha, S. Mitani, J.-V. Kim, and M. Hayashi Physical Review B 91, 214434 (2015)
Narrow Magnonic Waveguides Based on Domain Walls F. Garcia-Sanchez, P. Borys, R. Soucaille, J.-P. Adam, R. L. Stamps, and J.-V. Kim Physical Review Letters 114, 247206 (2015)
Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in perpendicularly-magnetized Pt/Co/AlOx ultrathin films measured by Brillouin light spectroscopy M. Belmeguenai, J.-P. Adam, Y. Roussigné, S. Eimer, T. Devolder, J.-V. Kim, S. M. Cherif, A. Stashkevich, and A. Thiaville Physical Review B 91, 180405(R) (2015)
Joint perpendicular anisotropy and strong interlayer exchange coupling in systems with thin vanadium spacers T. Devolder, A. Le Goff, S. Eimer, and J.-P. Adam Journal of Applied Physics 117, 163911 (2015)
The nature of domain walls in ultrathin ferromagnets revealed by scanning nanomagnetometry J.-P. Tetienne, T. Hingant, L. J. Martinez, S. Rohart, A. Thiaville, L. Herrera Diez, K. Garcia, J.-P. Adam, J.-V. Kim, J.-F. Roch, I. M. Miron, G. Gaudin, L. Vila, B. Ocker, D. Ravelosona, and V. Jacques Nature Communications 6, 6733 (2015)